Tips & Tricks

This channel provides Tips & Tricks, in order to better use GstarCAD products.

Houseplan 2.0-Terrain-Editable Area

Houseplan 2.0-Terrain-Editable Area

2025-02-10 127

Houseplan 2.0 Fast, Easy, and Powerful 3D Design Plan

How to add multiple video paths in a scene

How to add multiple video paths in a scene

2023-11-21 1533 Houseplan  

How to add multiple video paths in a scene?After setting the video path, save the path with the Roam Path List tool, execute the Delete Path tool to delete the path, then click the Draw Path tool to draw a new path, and then save it, and so on.

How to Plant Trees Along the Road by one click

How to Plant Trees Along the Road by one click

2023-11-21 1557 Houseplan  

How to Plant Trees Along the Road by one click?

How to add human entity that can walk along the specified animation path

How to add human entity that can walk along the specified animation path

2023-11-01 1087 Houseplan  

Click the Skeletal Animation tool in Scene – Animation panel, and select the person item in the drop down list, and select the human entity at the proper place in your scene.

How to make all the added entities displayed

How to make all the added entities displayed

2023-11-01 1111 Houseplan  

How to make all the added entities displayed, such as adding street lights but not be displayed after zooming out? Adjust the Visual balance value in "Scene/Optimization" to the maximum.

3D file format support list of Gstarsoft DWG FastView

3D file format support list of Gstarsoft DWG FastView

2023-10-25 7276 DWG FastView  

3D file format support list of Gstarsoft DWG FastView

How to align 3D entities quickly

How to align 3D entities quickly

2023-09-19 1196 Houseplan  

Use the Align Entities command in the Edit – Positioning panel, follow the command prompt instructions by first selecting a face or edge of entity 1 as a reference. Then, choose a face or edge of entity 2 to align it with entity 1.

How to draw lines along Z axis

How to draw lines along Z axis

2023-09-19 2975 Houseplan  

If you only need to draw lines in the direction of the Z axis, you can select the Vercital line command by click on Home – Draw – Line button and draw it directly.

How to modify the Sloped Roof

How to modify the Sloped Roof

2023-08-01 1185 Houseplan  

Select the sloping roof that needs to be modified, double-click on the sloped roof

How to bound the designed interior entities to the building

How to bound the designed interior entities to the building

2023-08-01 1154 Houseplan  

If you don't bind the entities to the building floor, the entities can't be selected or hidden together with the building, and the entities may appear at the height you showed before if you use the Show Floor command to open another floor.

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